little soul

wiggling the pen 1~ 'angle'

Angle: A thin willowy figure, with high cheekbones and dark undereye circles. Very tall, lots of very light colored hair. Could have a human or undead origin. Looks like they have a low and soft voice and a calm demeanor, but their voice is loud and piercing and they have some anger issues.

‘What do you want?’

The tone of their voice felt like it slashed through my ears and I flinched.

‘Uh, well, I was just hoping that you could look this over for me. It’s not due for another week, but I hit a roadblock and would really like your advice.’

They sighed heavily as they sat back in their chair. ‘God, I never get a break, do I?’ They turned to look at me, and I felt myself freeze as our eyes met. I was hoping this wasn’t going to happen, making eye contact with them always made me uncomfortable; well, any eye contact made me uncomfortable, but with them? Well, yeah, it was so not great. It felt eerily like they were looking into my soul or something, just absolutely unsettling.

‘Let me look at it,’ they said, reaching out a hand.

I started. ‘Excuse me?’

‘Did I stutter? Give me the assignment.’

I stared. ‘Didn’t you just say you have too much work?’

They sighed and raised an eyebrow at me. ‘Were you even listening? I said, quite clearly I might add, that I never get a break, which is quite different from having too much work.’

Their voice felt like it was turning my ear canals into filets and what they were saying did not make any sense to me, but it would have been idiotic of me to question them further, especially since they willingly volunteered. So I silently handed them the assignment, which they took and thumbed through briefly before placing them on top of a large stack of papers.

‘Now get out of my sight. I’ll send you an email when I’m done with it. Do not try to find me then. I’ll leave it at your desk.’

I bowed, a strange response, not sure why I did that, and half walked, half ran out of their office. It was only when I sat down again in my cubicle that my heart rate began to slow down. But I had done it, hadn’t I?

-dys [written from a character prompt I created in 2021]

#creative #writing prompt