little soul

I hate death as a plot point

I don’t like the way that death is used in a lot of popular media.

Is that an odd thing to say? I feel like it could be. I feel like some people might even disagree and say I’m just being too sensitive.

But simply and honestly, most of the time deaths feel cheap and I don’t like it.

Correction. I actually despise it.

I mean maybe the weight of death is sitting on me a lot more heavily in these most recent years than it ever has before, but I think it’s fair to say I never was fond of stories where there was a large amount of death involved.

Now there is a way to use death in a satisfactory manner, and I acknowledge and praise those examples where that is evident, but it pains me that most of the time, death is used as a shock factor.

I despise that the audience and the characters are often expected to push past these events without much of a second thought, without much care for the obvious trauma that is encountering death.

It feels trivialized and that’s just despicable to me.

~dys [maybe this is why I love stories about ghosts so much]

#reflection #word vomit