little soul

wiggling the pen 2~ friends to enemies interactions


She gasped out in anger and pain as his body struck hers and they both fell heavily to the ground.

He landed on top of her and for a second they held each other’s gaze, his eyes full of determination and hers of fury.

But then he slowly pulled himself up, winded and in pain, before turning and beginning to walk away from her.

She lay there for another moment in shock, before sitting up quickly and ignoring the wave of nausea, screamed at his departing back, “What… the fuck… was THAT?!!?”

Her shriek pierced the silent shock that had fallen around them. He winced at the noise, and paused before turning back towards her.

When her eyes met his, she saw with confusion that they were full of tears.

He took a deep breath and then asked, voice breaking, “Why? Why are you being like this? Why are you this way? What more do you need? Why do you need more than this?!”

She stared at him speechless for a moment as the tears fell thick and fast down his face. But she was able to compose herself quicker than him and drew a breath, the steely expression of anger never leaving her face, and replied, “Am I supposed to apologize for the fact that you overlooked who I really am and what I’m fighting for? It’s your fault for not seeing it in the first place.” And with that, she slowly pulled herself up to standing and limped away from him, eyes still blazing in frustration and fury.

For a moment, he made to follow her, since habit and his deep set concern were mindlessly drawing him ever closer. But in an instant, he realized what he was doing, stuttered to a stop and collapsed onto the ground, sobbing weakly.

still a friend

She looks up at him, lip bloodied and eye already closing from the bruise surrounding it, and she smiles.

“You still consider me your friend, don’t you.” Her voice is calm and sickly sweet and he can feel his heart start to panic. “I mean, I don’t really have to ask. I can already see how you’re scared to say no.”

He inhales sharply and raises his hand to strike her again, but his courage is already failing him. “Are you trying to get me to kill you?” he asks quietly, perhaps afraid of the answer.

“Maybe, what makes you think you have the right to ask?” There is a pause as she lets those words sink in before saying, “What do you think you should do?”

“I don’t know why, but I want to help.” The words fall out of his mouth before he has the sense to catch them and her short cackle in response tells him that he has made a mistake.

You’re better off killing me.”

These were soooo fun to write. There's something about having there be simultaneously so much love and so much hatred between these two. Well, one can, I guess, question her feelings about him. But it's such a fun dynamic to think about. ~ dys

#creative #friends to enemies #villain/hero #writing inspiration