little soul

a stir creating walk

The sun was bright and the birds were chirping on this sunny morning in May when I traipsed into the town in pursuit of a fulfilling breakfast. I was thinking bacon and eggs with a side of whole wheat toast almost smothered in strawberry jam and a large glass of orange juice. I knew that there were several cafes downtown that were more than apt to service my needs since I had been here in this town before, although not recently due to some personal problems.

But I’m certain that’s all behind me now, I thought as I strode proudly down the main street.

I tipped my hat to the baker, who had his front door wide open, letting the smell of freshly baked bread waft over the cobblestones and into the open windows of the houses and shops. He nearly dropped the plate he was holding, but returned the bow eyes wide before I passed on. I smiled to myself as I moved along, glad to know my new hat perfused the stunning presence I hoped it would.

I then greeted the tailor and his wife, who seemed to be on their way to Juliet’s Cafe for breakfast and they almost ran into each other attempting to make way for my large frame as I passed them. I smiled graciously and wished them a nice day as he stared open mouthed and she seemed at a loss for words, backing up to the nearby wall.

Turning on my path to The Lorry, the preferred establishment for bacon and eggs, I met several more of the townsfolk. All I did was smile, and offer some civil greetings, but it was difficult not to express my amusement at witnessing their reactions to seeing me. They were always so jumpy, so easily surprised. I never would have thought I made such an impactful impression, but maybe the new hat was really something.

Or maybe they just weren’t expecting to see a dragon walking down Main Street early on Monday morning.

But either way, I guess I make quite an impact!


This was composed from a prompt that I have now forgotten, probably something saying 'write a story where the speaker has the wrong idea of the situation.' It just amused me greatly to imagine a large dragon wearing a full suit, walking down a cobbled street.

#creative #fantasy #not what you thought #writing inspiration