little soul

a pirate invasion: part 2

It felt like I was sitting there for hours. At first, I was terrified to hear the desperate shouting and shots echoing above and around me, but soon it began to run together into monotony and it became easier to tune it out.

But as soon as I had become accustomed to the sound, it faded. Unnerved by the sudden silence, I was almost afraid to investigate by peering out the small cabin window, but creeping to the wall and looking out, I saw a ship gliding close alongside mine. It looked like any other trading ship, same structure, same trappings, except its flag was bright red.

My heart sank, knowing what that meant, and I watched frozen as it halted beside us. The creaking of the wood shattered the quiet before a strong loud voice called out, “Resistance is fruitless, surrender or die trying.” And everything went quiet again.

I found myself holding my breath, fearful of god knows what.

But then there was a clanging upon the deck and the slam of something lowered onto the deck above, before a substantial group of people traipsed onto the ship, jangling as they went.

And then I could hear nothing but running footsteps and I found myself moving as far away from the door as possible, braced in fear. After a few moments, I heard the swift steady approach of someone, and the knob turned and the door swung open to reveal the most powerful woman on the high seas.

And I was honestly a little surprised.

Her face was round, quite unlike the sharp angular shape that I had been expecting, and she was smiling. Of course, on closer inspection, it was a bit of a haughty smile, as if she found her own powerful presence amusing, but upon meeting her eyes, I felt a certain level of warmth within them.

Her clothing too was rather understated. The pointed black hat she wore atop her head was perhaps the simplest piece, unadorned and constructed from felt. Her light gray linen attire fit loosely about her body and was exquisitely embroidered. Her leather armor was sparse, she wore only a corselet and greaves, but each piece was ornately embossed.

What I found to be the most striking aspect of her form was the slender saber with its beautiful decorated handle that she was carrying in an almost unconcerned way. She tossed it to her right hand as she entered the room and I was immediately captured by its magnificence.

She must have seen me admiring it, as she asked in a piercing tone which fit her role but not exactly her form, “It’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it?” and I glanced up to meet her eyes again.

And once again I was struck by her look.

It was powerful, intimidating, and it felt as if somehow through our locked eyes, she was accessing my mind and reading all my thoughts and fears.

I shrank slightly beneath her gaze, feeling suddenly very vulnerable, but somehow, almost apart from my own better judgment, I resolutely held her stare.

And for a moment, so short of a reaction that I almost thought I had dreamed it, her eyes seemed to soften.

If I expected gentleness, I was rudely disappointed. “How long have you kept up this charade, child?” she asked, and I nearly gasped and collapsed to the ground in shock.

But once again somehow I managed to hold myself steady. “I… I don’t know what you mean.”

She raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t seem likely.” And she took her saber and placed it gently against my throat. “Do you remember now?”

I inhaled sharply, tempted for a wild second to maintain my ignorance, but acquiesced. “Yes, five years… Ma’am.”

Her mouth tightened, but she dropped the saber back to her side. “By choice?”

“Not exactly?” My voice felt so far away from me.

“Why?” The question sounded quick and sharp in my ears, like the crack of a whip.

“For employment, ma’am.”

She turned away abruptly. “Does the crew know?”

“Only Captain Blake, ma’am.”

Suddenly a young man appeared in the doorway and addressed her. “We have all returned to the ship, ma’am. Ma’am, do you want someone to restrain the crew?”

For a moment she was silent and merely turned to look back at me intently. Then she replied calmly, “Yes, we don’t want any trouble,” before walking over to grab me by the arm and saying, “Come. You’re with us now.”

And although I was in a state of shock, I followed her willingly.

~dys [There are maybe two more parts to this?]

#creative #pirate invasion #writing inspiration